Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Caught In A Landslide

When I was about 13, my travel soccer from South Riverdale went to Purchase, N.Y. to play F.C. Westchester. As far as we were concerned, they might as well have been A.C. Milan. All I remember about the game was that we lost 8-0, and it could easily have been three times that bad. As my teammate’s father so eloquently put it, “I felt like I was watching the Harlem Globetrotters . . . but my son was on the Washington Generals.”

This season’s “Gauntlet” has a similar feel.

If you’ve been watching, you know what I’m talking about it. The Veterans are the Globetrotters, and the Rookies are the Generals. It’s just getting silly. So silly that I might not be able to write about it anymore.

MTV basically tried to give the Rookies a victory with that stupid burial challenge, and they still couldn’t win. How incompetent do you have to be? The funniest part about it was how the players were freaking out about getting buried two feet deep in the sand. Do you really think MTV is going to let you die on the show? These contestants just get dumber every season.

And after all that, the Rookies still wouldn’t put Nehemiah into the gauntlet against Frank, even though he was clearly the reason they couldn’t win an event that was essentially handed to them on a platter. So instead, they throw in the almighty M.J., and it seemed like everyone thought it was a foregone conclusion he would beat Frank. Is it because M.J. played football at Vanderbilt? Please.

It’s not like Frank is built like McLovin’, and he proved it by defeating M.J.

So now we’re at the point where the Veterans have twice as many players as the Rookies, not to mention a crate load of schwag they’ve won along the way. There seems to be a sentiment among the Vets that having too many players is going to be a detriment in the final mission.

While this strikes me as a needless worry when you consider their domination, it’s also setting up setting up to be the only drama left in this season as the Vets try and figure how they can get some of their female players kicked off.

All in all, it’s been a pretty disappointing season. That doesn’t mean I’ll stop watching though.

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